We were addicted to hacking, more for the intellectual challenge, the curiosity, the seduction of adventure; not for stealing, or causing damage or writing computer viruses.

mardi 30 décembre 2014

PE injector 'L0phtTnInject'

We are releasing our new tool L0phtTnInject , It does inject some shellcodes into a desired process .
Currently , it does only work with 32-bit executables , please don't expect it to work flawlessly on all targets. It may fail if the target is loaded with /DYNAMICBASE module or DEP is permanently active on it .
 On Windows XP it allocates enough room for the shellcode and executes it with 'CreateRemoteThread' .
Because On Windows Vista/Win7/Win8.1 the'CreateRemoteThread' does not work smoothly due to the 'thread session separation' ,so our injector creates an extra section named "L0phtTN" and loads it with a shellcode and then jumps back to the OEP .

   The injector does implement many features like :
      [+] It detects the presence of the debugger .(By checking the PEB )
      [+] The user can provide his own shellcode .
   Advice and Tips are welcome : https://github.com/dali-mrabet/L0phtTn_inject  


dimanche 28 septembre 2014

CTF Sharif Writeup for Reverse_me By l0pht_TN

Today we are going to be talking about how to solve the reverse_me of Sharif CTF .Well , to begin with, I would like to give special thanks to whoever contributed to the CTF for their time devoted in creating such great tasks .

So, let's start with most common step which a reverse engineer is accustomed to begging with :

Let's scan it with peid :

As one can see , the binary  is packed with Aspack 2.12 .

  • Unpacking the target : 
Before proceeding , we load the executable into olly , and the first instruction we are going to see  is 'pushad' , just step over it (f8) , then follow ESP in dump  and make a hardware breakpoint on the first 4 bytes :

Then run it (F9) and you will see the following :

Well , simply put , the packer obviously uses the PUSH followed by the RETN instruction to land at the OEP which is at adress 004016BB .
Once you are there , you would notice some obfuscated code that was deliberatley obfuscated by the packer in order to fool the cracker ,  that's where the plugin 'Analyze This!' comes handy .
It's purpose is to convert raw data into assembly instructions , so right click and and click on 'Analyze This!' : 

Now ,we have comprehensible machine instructions ,let's use "Dump debugged process" plugin which it's sole intention is to dump active debuggee process , so the very first thing you are going to need is to  copy the value in 'modify' section into the clipboard and then click 'Dump' and save it as 'ReverseMe2

Inevitably ,since the binary is packed, then it comes as no surprise  that the IAT table is destroyed ,so in order to circumvent this ,we have to rebuild the IAT with 'IMPrec tool' .

so , run ' IMPrec" and then select the process of "ReverseMe" from the running process list and past the value that we have copied  previously  into the 'OEP' of IMPrec and click on 'IAT AutoSearch'  and then on'Get Imports ',  finally click on 'Fix dump' and select the executable "ReversMe2.exe" and it will be saved as "ReversMe2_.exe"

The important thing is that during these steps you have to be very careful ,otherwise the entire thing does not work . 

  • Finding  the Serial  
After unpacking the binary ,now we are ready to reverse engineer it ,so load the "ReverseMe2_.exe"into olly and select   "search for ->all intermodular calls" 
then right click on "getdigitemtextA" API and click on "set breakpoint on every call to 
getdigitemtextA" and run the program (F9) : 

   here , just put an email address and serial number and click on "OK",and you will hit the breakpoint on the first "getdigItextitem" api  just step over them .

LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-340] ; loads eax with memory address of the email   
PUSH r_.0040FD0C ;push the memory address of '@' charchter 
PUSH EAX ;push memory address of the email  
CALL r_.004013A0 ; this routine checks to see whether email string contains '@'or not ,
ADD ESP,8 ; removes the addresses of email and '@' from the stack  
TEST EAX,EAX ; checks the return value of the previous routine  
JE SHORT r_.00401144 ; jumps if eax contains 0 
LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-340] ;  loads eax with memory address of the email 
PUSH r_.0040FD34 ; push the memory address of '.' charchter 
PUSH EAX ; push memory address of the email  
CALL r_.004013A0 ; this routine checks to see whether '@blabla.tn 'string contains '.'or not 
ADD ESP,8 ;removes the addresses of '@blabla.tn 'string and '.' from the stack 
TEST EAX,EAX ; checks the return value of the previous routine 
JE SHORT r_.00401144 ;jumps if eax contains 0 
LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-340];loads eax with memory address of the email 
PUSH r_.0040FD34 ;push the memory address of '.' charchter
PUSH EAX ;push memory address of the email  
CALL r_.004013A0 ; the same routine previously called 
ADD ESP,8 ;removes the addresses of '@blabla.tn 'string and '.' from the stack
CMP BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+1],0;compares the first char after the '.' with 0  
JE SHORT r_.00401144 ;jumps if nothing after the point charachter 
 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-340] ; loads eax with memory address of the email 
 PUSH r_.0040FD0C; push the memory address of '@' charchter 
 PUSH EAX ;push memory address of the email
CALL r_.004013A0 ; this routine checks to see whether email string contains '@'or not
 CMP BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+1],2E ; compares the char after '@' with the '.'char
 JNZ SHORT r_.0040114E ; else jump to serial checking routine 
 PUSH r_.0040FD10                               ;  ASCII "Your E-mail address in not valid."
JMP r_.004012A5  ; jump to nag 
MOVQ MM0,QWORD PTR DS:[40FD70] ; loads MM0 with adress of "registration fail"
   LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-240] : loads ECX with the our serial  
MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[ECX] ; moves the byte which  ecx is pointing to , to AL
  INC ECX                                ;  r_.0040FD0D increments the address that ECX contains
TEST AL,AL ;  checks whether AL contains 0 or not 
 JNZ SHORT r_.00401192 ; if not  jump back and increment ECX 
SUB ECX,EDX ; subtract ecx from edx 
CMP ECX,10 ;checks the length of the serial 
JNZ r_.004012A1 jump to nag if the length is not 16
CMP BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-240],42 ; compare the first char with 'B'
JNZ r_.004012A1 : if not equal jump to nag 
 MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-231] ; moves the last char of the entered serial  to EAX

ADD EAX,42 ; adds eax with 42 
CMP EAX,9B  ;  and cmp it with 9b ,so the last char should be 9B - 42 = 59 which is 'Y'
JNZ r_.004012A1 else jump to nag 

MOVSX ECX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-23F] ; it loads the second char
LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX-3] ; loads eax with ord(second char) - 3
 CMP EAX,57 ;cmp it 57 ,that means the second char should be 57 + 3 = 5A which is 'Z' 
JNZ r_.004012A1 else jump to nag 
MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-232] ; loads the 15h to eax char 
ADD EAX,ECX   ;  adds eax with 5A
CMP EAX,9B ; the 15 element should be 9b - 5A = 41 the char is 'A'
JNZ r_.004012A1 else jump to nag 
MOVSX ECX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-23E] ; load the 3rd char 
 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+1] ;  ord(3rd char)+1
CMP EAX,3A ; 3 rd char is 39 = '9'
JNZ r_.004012A1 else jump 
MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-233] load the 14th char 
 CMP EAX,9B ; the 14th char is 62h = 'b'
JNZ r_.004012A1 else jump to nag 
CMP BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-23D],64 ;  the 4th char is 'd'
JNZ r_.004012A1 else jump 
 MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-234] ; loads the 13 char 
 CMP EAX,9B ; the 13 th char is 37h = '7'
JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 else jump to nag 
CMP BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-23C],6D ; the 5th char is  'm'
JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 else jump to nag 
MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-235] ; loads eax with 12th char 
CMP EAX,0C8 ; 12th char is c8 - 81 = 47h ..'G'
JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 ; nag 
 MOVSX ECX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-23B] ; loads the 6th char
CMP EAX,44 ; the 6th char should be 44 + 2d = 71 = 'q'
 JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 else jump nag 
MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-236] ; the 11th char 
 ADD EAX,ECX                                    ;  r_.0040FD0D
CMP EAX,0AA  ;the 11char is AA - 71 = 39h = '9'
JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 ; nag 
CMP BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-23A],34 ; the 7th char is '4'
JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 ;nag
MOVSX EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-237] ; loads the 10th char 
CMP EAX,9B ; 10th char is 9b - 34 = 67h = 'g'
JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 ;nag
CMP BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-239],63 ;the 8th char is 'c'
 JNZ SHORT r_.004012A1 ;nag
CMP EAX,9B ; the 9th char is 9b - 63 = 38h = '8' 

 JE SHORT r_.004012BB ; get past the nag screen 

Well , after putting the chararcters in order ,the serial should be like this 
= 'BZ9dmq4c8g9G7bAY'

   That's it basically , the reverseme is very simple , the serial checking routine ain't that  complicated , it is something that is learnt with time as  you practice with machine instructions .

So I am expecting your valuable feedback and suggestions for betterment . 



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